Q£ºHow do I contact HFI?
A: Click contact us, you'll find all the informaton you need to contact us. You can choose to leave a online message or get in touch with us through other ways according to your preference. It is recommended that you tell us your need by email.
Q: Does HFI protect it's web site users' privacy?
A: HFI pays great attention to it's web site users' privacy, your personal infomarion collected through our web site will not be disclosed to the public or a third party without your permission. For detailed information about our privacy policy, click privacy.
Q: How do I find HFI's product information?
A: Customers can find information about all our products in our web site. If more information is needed you can send emails to us, inquiries would be dealt with immediately.
Q: Where can I learn more about HFI?
A: Generally, information about our company could be found in our company. If more information is needed, it is recommmended that you send a email to us, inquiries would be dealt with immediately.